Thursday 11 September 2014

Overwhelm-ment should be a word

Because that is the state we are in right now, overwhelmed just isnt strong enough!

Its been a knockout beyond our dreams! Oohs and Aahs, so many laughs and so many smiles.  Just what we wanted.  And thats just the first day. 

The library is a fascinating building, after all these years I  properly saw and realised  the concept of the vaulted ceiling in the  library area, so appropriate for a studious space .....You can see it at the back of this photo taken from the exhibition peacocks eyeview.

Our pristine cupcake draughtboard/checkerboard has been interactive in a way we never imagined. 

 Designed for adults to have a serious (?) game, we discovered the bonus that even quite small children knew straight away they were playing white icing and strawberries against pink icing and cherries.  They also got right into the touching feely thing that textiles just bring on in a serious  way.  One young man, maybe of about three, visited twice in the morning then dragged his Mum back in at 5 just so he could hold a cake again! 

If photos made you a millionaire, we'd be billionaires.  Never seen so many, all round the exhibition, so good for morale.  Even better when you've been busting your boiler to make it just the best happiest exhibition you can imagine.

And all the while this little chap has been watching, he's looking for a good home on October 7th.

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